Can we really stop Climate Change?
Assuming that there is a permanent abnormal climate change occurring and assuming that we are the cause of it, can we stop it ?
Before discussing that, I must point out that I refute both the above assumptions, purely because there is so much lying occurring. Led by the United Nations, they are saying. "Trust us, we are telling the truth." The IPCC [1] has carefully selected data points to be trotted around and to be used in the modelling. And some have surely been doctored ! The UN says they have been adjusted. They have even twisted NASA's arm to correct the historical readings. If you had accessed this data some 6 years ago, it used to look vastly different [2].
We must not forget that the UN has been crying wolf since the 70s. Scaring the school kids even then with their hockey stick graphs. As long as you select the scale correctly, any graph is a hockey stick graph. This is called "lies, damned lies and statistics"[3]. And now they have rejuvenated these graphs[4].
Reasons we cannot stop Climate Change
- Biggest Producers of Greenhouse Gasses - The biggest human producers of greenhouse gases are India, China, Russia and USA[5]. Unless they ALL are willing to commit, the rest of us change but a few drops in the ocean.
- Volcanic Activity - It is estimated that each volcano eruption produces between one and seven times the annual human equivalent of greenhouse gases[6]. The IPCC has been specifically told to disregard the effects of volcanoes.
- Natural Cycles - There are natural cycles of extreme weather, dubbed one in 50-year or one in 100-year event. These are being trotted out as proof of climate change. They are also, not being used in the models.
- Solar Activity - Normally, solar flares make a major contribution to weather. The IPCC have been instructed to ignore these as well.
- Natural Causes - Volcanoes, earthquakes, solar flares and acid rains
are what have been changing Earth's climate since its birth. When I used to teach
fault-finding techniques, my motto was
If you don't yet know what the cause is, then you don't know what the cause isn't.
By disregarding many of these data points, the UN has made certain that there can only be one outcome. This is NOT science, in any sense of the word ! - Major Causes - From the IPCC's first report, the major contributors to greenhouse gasses are Cargo Ships (Transportation). What are we doing about these ? Nothing. Instead, we are attacking the tiny portions of the pie such as household, car and farm emissions. Unless we include shipping, it is hard to see what impact we will make.
- Natural Biological Processes - Carbon dioxide and Methane are products of natural biological processes. Targeting these is like targeting all of life. Is this the object perhaps ? Consider that rotting is a natural and required process of life. This produces methane. If the cows were not producing this, then rotting vegetation would produce it. If the dinosaurs existed today, they would be producing a similar amount of methane. This is because Methane and CO2 are a balanced part of life. And life evolves and adapts to minor fluctuations.
- Forest Fires - Now Forest Fires are blamed on Climate Change. They are a natural part of life. Certain seeds in New Zealand and South Africa REQUIRE a forest fire before they can germinate ! [7] [8] [9]. An argument can be made that if forest fires were left to burn out, their frequency would decrease.
The modelling is ignoring all the of above. If the premise of an investigation is incorrect, then the result will be a failure. This is called GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) [10].
I am distressed that we are wasting all this energy, money and time in trying to stop the unstoppable. Surely, a more productive use of this money and time would be to find way to mitigate the effects of climate change; that is adapting to it. Why are we then, wasting all this time and money ?
It would be prudent to consider that the Club of Rome and the United Nations have been crying WOLF for decades on all sorts of issues such as running out of food and running out of fuel. So, why haven't YOU asked for proof ?
It is also worth re-iterating that the Hockey Curve pioneered by the Club of Rome has been scientifically discredited [11]. Yet, years later, the UN is now using it again to bamboozle people.Natural Events of greater consequences say We can not stop Climate Change
- Above are my views based on my personal experience and my interactions with leading scientists and real-life observers of events.
- If you spot any errors in fact or deduction, please send me a note so that I can correct this piece.
- If you have an opposing viewpoint, let me know with facts or even reasoned arguments and I will update this essay.
- How do you tell the difference between a believer in science and a believer in religion.
References (a tiny sample)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- NASA Sea Level Change Portal.
- Lies, damned lies, and statistics - Wikipedia.
- Climate myths: The 'hockey stick' graph has been proven wrong.
- 6 Graphs Explain the World's Top 10 Emitters.
- Effects Of Volcanoes - Basic Planet.
- Why do some plants need fire to germinate?
- Tropical forest seeds use three strategies to survive.
- The Effects of Fire on Seed Germination.
- What is garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) ?
- Hockey Stick graph .. discredited by expert opinion